Third Age Press Blog

EngAge with Age …and Dianne Norton of Third Age Press

RUFUS SEGAR – illustrator, anarchist & so much more

Rufus Segar whose illustrations have graced several Third Age Press books, has gone to wherever anarchists go when they die. We have been blessed to have been able to share his talents with our readers and happy to reprint the obituary published by The Guardian in ‘Other Lives’ and written by his son Rupert. This […]

Remembering astra

ASTRA BLAUG died peacefully on May 5th. astra, as she preferred to be known, was an artist, photographer, poet, feminist and eternal campaigner. Her work has appeared in many anthologies, among them One Foot on the Mountain, Hard Feelings  and Bread and Roses (Virago). There are also three published collections of her work, fighting words; battle cries […]

My Treasure Trove

If I’d been walking through a ploughed field with a metal detector that suddenly went berserk, I couldn’t be more thrilled. What I have actually found (while making a fairly feeble attempt at decumulating . . . something I shall undertake with more enthusiasm in future) was a small, dusty plastic box which contained a […]

The Red Hat Society

The Red Hat Society has many local branches throughout the UK but the HQ of the organisation is in the USA  – from where you can get UK local details but you can also find information on local groups from the British RedHatters To be a “RED HATTER” you must be over 50 years […]

Age of Creativity

Age of Creativity is an online platform to share, celebrate and inspire work in the field of arts and older people. We believe everyone has an inner artist whatever their age. Sometimes this will be about continuing a lifelong interest in or even career in the arts, for others older age may represent the […]

Hadley Freeman says, ‘Upper arms are the latest obsession’. To sculpt or not to sculpt?

  I hereby announce the official launch of the ‘Campaign for the Freedom of Bingo Wings’. Of course we need a catchy slogan . . . something like ‘Flap your bingo wings and fly away’? Seriously though, with the advent of global warming I think the world should get ready for older women becoming increasingly […]

Robert Redford looks great . . . FOR 76!

I have no idea how old Matt Mueller (‘In Conversation: Redford’ inFilm3Sixty distributed by The Observer) is but surely he ought to know better. I was pondering a still from the forthcoming re-make of ‘The Great Gatsby’ and thinking that Leonard deCaprio wasn’t a patch on Redford in the original – when it occurred to […]