
Links to websites of useful organisations for active, older men and women. For more information and to link to their website just click on the name of the organisation.
See WOW for more links of particular interest to older women

The Red Hat Society

The Red Hat Society has many local branches throughout the UK but the HQ of the organisation is in the USA  – from where you can get UK local details but you can also find information on local groups from the British RedHatters To be a “RED HATTER” you must be over 50 years […]

Age of Creativity

Age of Creativity is an online platform to share, celebrate and inspire work in the field of arts and older people. We believe everyone has an inner artist whatever their age. Sometimes this will be about continuing a lifelong interest in or even career in the arts, for others older age may represent the […]

Education Quizzes

Although designed for school children, this website has proved very popular with older learners.

From maths, English literature and science to news, religion and British birds, there are more than 500 quizzes covering 12 subjects.


Gransnet is a fascinating site simply exploding with news, resources, discussion forums and opportunities aimed at ‘grannies’ but any older person will find it worth a visit. Sign up (free of charge) to be a member and receive the weekly online newsletter

Age UK

Age UK is a new organisation created by the amalgamation of Age Concern and Help the Aged.

Feisty Side of Fifty

an American website for ‘Baby Boomer Women’ that aims to ‘totally transform the spirit and style of aging’.

It invites you to ‘join the forum and share your thoughts, experiences, humour and sass as you shine in all your mature magnificence.’ It even has a radio station!

Seniors Network

Seniors Network website offers a wide variety of information and links to sites focusing on health, leisure and book reviews and has a particular interest in campaigns to improve the lot of pensioners and the work of the National Pensioners Convention.


The Ransackers project provides an opportunity for people over the age of 55, who have a positive view about ‘growing’ older & have not previously benefited from further education.

Older & Bolder / NIACE

Older & Bolder promotes learning opportunities and needs of older people, the awareness of contribution older people make to learning, good practice in education, the needs of carers and support workers and policy in all areas that might affect provision and participation.

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss.