The Red Hat Society

Red Hat logo copyThe Red Hat Society has many local branches throughout the UK but the HQ of the organisation is in the USA  – from where you can get UK local details but you can also find information on local groups from the British RedHatters

To be a “RED HATTER” you must be over 50 years of age.  “Over fifty and fabulous” that is what we say about ourselves.  We welcome all ladies to do what we do – “LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH”.  That is the motto of the RED HATTERS.  We are ladies with “HATTITUDE”!!!  It is so much fun for us to don our purple outfits and red hats and go to lunch, the movies, picnic on the beach, the zoo or just wherever our hearts decide to go and watch people watch us.  Nothing makes people smile like a group of ladies in purple and red hats out enjoying themselves.   Look,” they laugh and point – “the Red Hatters are out today”.  Nothing attracts attention more than a fine red hat!