Third Age Press Blog

EngAge with Age …and Dianne Norton of Third Age Press

Seniors Network

Seniors Network website offers a wide variety of information and links to sites focusing on health, leisure and book reviews and has a particular interest in campaigns to improve the lot of pensioners and the work of the National Pensioners Convention.


The Ransackers project provides an opportunity for people over the age of 55, who have a positive view about ‘growing’ older & have not previously benefited from further education.

Raging Grannies

The Raging Grannies adopt a new persona – crazy old ladies in crazy hats – and instead of preaching they’d sing satiric songs.

Older Feminists Network

OFN aims to counter negative stereotypes of older women, to challenge ageism/sexism, to provide contacts, mutual support and exchange of ideas and information and to mobilise the skills & experience of older women in campaigning for a better deal.

Older & Bolder / NIACE

Older & Bolder promotes learning opportunities and needs of older people, the awareness of contribution older people make to learning, good practice in education, the needs of carers and support workers and policy in all areas that might affect provision and participation.

Grandmothers for Peace

The UK chapter of Grandmothers for Peace is active in planning and supporting demonstrations against the curtailment of civil liberties, the proposed renewal of the Trident weapons system and the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Greenham Common women’s peace camp.

Fawcett Society

Fawcett is the UK’s leading campaign for equality between women and men – creating awareness, leading debate and driving change.